We're off! We left Austin about noon on Saturday, spent the night at Abilene State Park, and arrived at Palo Duro Canyon Sunday about 4:30. Just before leaving, we were thrilled to learn that my niece, Anna and her husband, Joel McElhany, have a new baby boy, James Allan (Jamey), born Friday morning.
With Austin being so dry, we were amazed to find North Cantral Texas green and lush. The drive north was beautiful, and even Lubbock looked inviting! It's a little drier outside of Canyon, but even they have had rain recently.
Sunday evening we set up camp and went down into the canyon to see the acclaimed musical drama, "Texas," performed at the ampitheater in the park. Light rain began to fall near the end of the production, and we were delighted to spend a night with rain drumming on the roof of the RV. Monday was cloudy until noon, but even when it cleared the temperature on the rim was only 90 degrees.
We took a short hike in the canyon in the afternoon, but it was much warmer there. On the way out, we did get a good look at "Gravy," one of two members of the official State of Texas longhorn herd. His pal, "Biscuits," was hiding in the mesquite.
We enjoyed our stay at West Rim RV Park. The dogs were especially happy to find that Sugar, the yellow lab/put bull mix they played with last visit was still in residence. She has been joined by a Catahoula-mix puppy, Angel, who joined in the dog play.