We had a great time with the Joneses, Carmodys and McElhanys this week. It was a short visit, but a good one. Jeff and John worked on the shredder; it was a wreck…literally. I wish I had taken “before” pictures. However, after Jeff and his welding equipment worked their magic, it’s as good as new. We have lots of broomweed starting to bloom, and the guys will be putting in plenty of time on the tractor to get the pastures shredded before the broomweed and other invasive weeds can go to seed.
In addition to working on the shredder, we were celebrating birthdays for the Carmody and McElhany kids. Noah, Jamey and Laura turned 15, 12 and 9, respectively this summer, and Rachel will be 13 in September. John fired up the pit and cooked us a scrumptious ribs-and-chicken dinner. A Gustine watermelon for dessert topped it all off in delicious style!
The Carmodys and McElhanys were going back to Fort Worth this morning as I was headed to Jack and Vivian Christensen’s to work Cody. They followed me and had a chance to watch Cody and Jack’s dog, Tillie, work sheep. Jamey turned out to be a first-class videographer and captured some nice video of Cody and Tillie working. Here are a couple of shots of Cody that he took.
Afterward, Cody got pats from Jamey and Laura while he cooled off.
Tillie got lots of pats and hugs, too, and loved every minute.
The Carmodys’ dog, Clover, was very enthusiastic when she saw the sheep, but had to watch from a distance. She does look very sheeplike with her curly, white coat, but is definitely not to be trusted around them. She had a very un-sheeplike gleam in her eye.
The kids got another special treat while we were there. Jack and Vivian’s four pups from Dot and Zip’s litter were all to happy to get some attention for themselves. There were lots of wiggles, wags and licks from the nine-week-old “monster squad.”