Friday, April 24, 2020

All Work and No Play...No Fun!

All work and no play…well, it just isn’t a lot of fun.  The Bagley Pack and Cousin Rosie have done their best to get in plenty of play, and they have kept us entertained as well.  

The dogs are glad social distancing doesn’t apply to them, and so are we.

Kota loves sticks

They're good for chewing as well as play.

She is also quite the hunter; imagine how surprised I was to see her high up in this brush pile.
I was afraid she would get stuck, but she exited with no trouble
Kota turned 10 in January, but she still enjoys her runs

Rue, too, is an avid hunter.

She thinks there's a mouse under every log.

Playing ball is also a favorite, but we don't usually do it at the farm.

Something she can do here is "help" with showers....Tonight she's waiting for someone to take one (a toy is required for her to do it right).

But best of all is working stock. (Thanks to our friend Lindsey Posner Williams for this image.)

And especially herding or watching over "her" cows.  It's her kind of fun.

Cousin Rosie loves being part of the pack.
At nearly 8 months old, she is almost full grown, but still full of puppy,
...and doing her best to keep up with her cousins.

Cody is enjoying his new life with the Bagley Pack.  Having fun is something he's very good at.

With Rue and Kota as coaches and mentors, Cody has become an enthusiastic squirrel hunter.

When he first came to us, Cody thought cows were big, scary things.  He's still not as brave as Rue, but he's learning to move our stock with confidence.  However, sheep are his favorite to stock to work.  But "work" isn't what it is for Cody...working stock is fun!

He came to us already trained to herd sheep, which he does with focus and enthusiasm.  As soon as self-quarantining and social distancing restrictions are lifted, we hope to be back on the herding trial field.

No matter whether they're helping us with farm chores,

or posing for a family portrait in the bluebonnets, it's all fun if you're a Bagley dog!